The most popular and recognized herbal medicine that sure will help in long-term use is the Ginseng. It is used since thousand years by the Chinese traditional medicine successfully. Native Americans also used ginseng extensively but this fact is less known. Ginseng manages to increase the human body overall strength and resistance against negative effects without weakening the energy level. As it makes your body gradually healthier in the meantime can be used to improve sexual functions.
Kola nut extract also is a good sexual stimulant. Its ingredients are refilling depleted energy in the nervous system and especially in brain. That is why it makes you keep up all night long. Kola nuts have stimulant effects on the central nervous system and heart that may last up to 6 hours after ingestion. Kola nut may be used simultaneously with B complex for an increased protein metabolism, circulation, hormone function, energy and stamina.
Another plant that is in use in the USA since the 19th century as an aphrodisiac is the Damiana. Damiana is an outstanding hormone regulator that strengthens the nervous system too. It is a well-researched herb with beneficial effects during anxiety and depression even if these conditions are influenced buy sexual problems. Although there is no scientific evidence that it works as a libido booster, taking damiana will set you stress free for sure.
Safed Musli known as Divya Aushad in the ayurvedic medicine is gaining an increasing popularity according to its properties as cure for diabetes, arthritis pre-natal and post-natal problems. Recently, sales of safed musli are skyrocketed as discoveries are showing that this plant is a superior alternative to Viagra. Safed Musli has been proved an ideal aphrodisiac with no negative side effects associated with chemical-based pills for erectile dysfunction.
A final advice: be cautious when taking herbal sex pills containing ephedra or yohimbe. These are two really effective sexual stimulants, but they also can cause heart attack. It is unlikely to get trouble from low doses of ephedra or yohimbe, but if you are over 40 or your health is not so perfect, safer to avoid them. Do not substitute Viagra or Cialis with herbal sex pills that may kill you.

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